Shining Arts Festival: An event to support cultural activities for the welfare of people with disabilities
In order to support cultural activities of p...
In order to support cultural activities of p...
This vacant house is located in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture. It has been renovated and cleaned. There are many private rooms and toilets on each floor....
The 6th Shiga Junior Research Grant Award Ceremony. Takashima Senior High School, Shiga Prefecture / ...
Source: I. 「びわ湖の日」とは…
「たかしま着物のくらし展」開催のお知らせ – 高島で暮らそう。: 親から受け継いだ着物、…
親から受け継いだ着物、花嫁道具として用意してもらった着物、 お金を貯めてやっと買えた着物、…
「滋賀県で人気のスーパーマーケット」ランキングTOP10! 1位は「PLANT 高島店」【…
安曇川中・井上さんが最優秀 学校給食用料理コンクール:中日新聞Web: 公益財団法人県学…
『新竹取物語~春の祭典~』が催されます。 | | 高島で暮らそう。: 行程 笑湖クッキ…
「滋賀県で高評価のスーパーマーケット」ランキングTOP10! 1位は「スーパー ハズイ 水…
藤樹神社の宝物紹介 創立100周年企画展 中江藤樹記念館 高島 /滋賀 | 毎日新聞: …
びわ湖のアユ増やそう 高島市の人工河川に産卵前のアユ放流|NHK 滋賀県のニュース: び…
琵琶湖固有種のビワマスの 遡上そじょう が、滋賀県高島市の知内川で始まっている。産卵期を迎…
滋賀県高島市のコロナに負けない!第2弾 ふるさと納税で「道の駅応援!キャンペーン」(9/…
情報源: 日本各地を「和菓子で旅」を エリア越えコラボ、心和やかに 新型コロナウイ…
The 41st Kosai New Year's Calligraphy Exhibition (sponsored by the Executive Committee and supported by the Mainichi Shimbun Otsu Branch Office, etc.) and the Youth Section of the Exhibition (sponsored by the Takashima City...
Eighty third-year students from Takashima Municipal Azumigawa Junior High School were given a lecture on how to use taxes by officials from the city election office and the Imazu Tax Office (in the same city).
The annual "Hot Air Balloon Crossing of Lake Biwa," which colors the winter sky of Kosai, was recently held at the Shiga...
Shiga Prefectural Azumigawa High School and West Nippon Expressway Retail Co.
The legacy of Nakae Fujiki (1608-48), considered the founder of Japan's Yomei School and praised as the "Omi Sage"....
Shoichi Komai, 69, a researcher on Omi merchants in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, and a resident of Kitafunaki, Azumigawa Town, has written a new book, "The Ainu People...
On April 20, 93 second-year students from Takashima Municipal Azumigawa Junior High School in Shiga Prefecture participated in the "Tour de Bi...
Minicar Falls into Paddy Field, Killing Man in Takashima : The Kyoto Shimbun :: Kyoto Shimbun At around 11:20 a.m. on the 28th, a Shiga...
You have a building where the people who live there are also without protection. Collapses are dangerous and there is no way around it. Like this...
I think the classics of tableware are rare. It is interesting that they are making this kind of thing in Takashima City. I...
Discount stores are popular in Fukui. Will it really take root in Takashima City? Will customers from other areas...
I think I have not seen the first calligraphy exhibition since I went to a shrine for the first time on my first visit. It was the first time for me to see the first calligraphy exhibition at a shrine, but here...
It's an area I need to learn more about too. Readings by educators. The general public can also participate...
What a surprise, Takashima was introduced in "Gadget News". Winter local cuisine "Junjun"...
Snowshoes are said to be Western snowshoes. I have never even swept a Japanese "kanjiki," but this...
Tourism appears to be doing well, led by the town of Azumigawa. Accommodation needs in the Kosai area increased by just under 30% over last year, with 10...
Cococool Mother Lake Selection: Stories Spun in the Land of Lakes/35 Konsaido's "Cheese Funazushi...
Special Exhibit to Tell the "Beginning Stories" of Products, People, and Things will be at the Hub of the Trade Fair - "IFFT/IFFT/IFFT/IFFT...
Pickling of "red turnips" is at its peak. Bright red pickled turnips from all over Japan ( Supplement 1, 2018...
Glass Works: Feel the Seasons : Region : Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE) From Winter to...
The 42nd Hot Air Balloon Crossing of Lake Biwa, held on December 1-2 this year, was uploaded on video...
I have been going to see it every year, but this year I couldn't make it. I could see many balloons going up from a distance...