Shirahige shrine at evening Shirahige Shrine in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture...
Fishing Park Takashima Fountain" in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, is a great place to target large trout...
At Biwako Hakodateyama in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, a new attraction, the Hakodateyama Buggy Adventure...
A sauna event "Biwako d...
Biwaichi Day is an event that marks the first day of Biwaichi Week, held annually on November 3 in Shiga Prefecture....
Ayu Ayu Ayu Release in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan, in 2023 Source: shiga.um...
Source : www.fishing-v.jp Ayu Bundled Fishing
Source: www.hakodateyama.com I. What is Hakodateyama ski resort...
How about the melons in the windmill village that you are interested in? Source : newsa
滋賀県のビワコ箱館山が花見の最も美しい時期を迎え、 ジップラインなど楽しいアクティビティ満…
Source : prtimes.jp I. サルビアの満開 花テラスでは、
(448)生物の分布限界を調べる (琵琶湖博物館 桝永一宏):中日新聞Web: 高島市今…
ニュース・イベント| 滋賀県の琵琶湖が一望できるスキー場 びわこ箱館山: 前回の雪まつり…
滋賀の日本酒ランキング2023 | 日本酒評価SAKETIME: 江戸時代、近江の国(滋…
滋賀・高島市 冬の使者コハクチョウが飛来|読売テレビニュース: 滋賀県高島市の田んぼに「…
SABAMACHI MARKET2023 【さばまちマーケット】開催 | | 高島で暮らそ…
ザゼンソウハイキング | びわ湖高島観光ガイド: 早春の花「ザゼンソウ」 湖西に春の訪れ…
日本RV協会、新たに7施設を車中泊施設として認定。日本の夕日百選を臨むロケーションも - …
湖に浮かぶ鳥居が人気の白鬚神社 危険な道路横断防ぐ柵設置へ|NHK 滋賀県のニュース: …
™® Agent Hideki on Twitter: "RT @vi...
11/19 (Sat) "Forest Walk" participants wanted! | Kutsuki no Mori: The Forest of Kutsuki Kutsuki no Mori staff...
Takashima City Tourism App "BIWAKO TAKASHIMA TRAVEL GUIDE" is now available...
TGRラリーチャレンジも後半戦に突入。初開催の「びわ湖高島」に86台がエントリー! | J…
1000名が来場!湖西の人気マルシェ ゆたかな暮らしを育む地域密着型イベント『SAWAMU…
滋賀で全国棚田サミット開催 景観、農村文化を継承へ | 河北新報オンラインニュース / O…
秋告げる赤、琵琶湖岸に彩り 滋賀・高島でヒガンバナ見頃 | 京都新聞: 滋賀県高島市新旭…
滋賀県「やまの健康」推進プロジェクト!湖国のやまの魅力が8枚のポスターになりました! - …
「滋賀県のうどんの名店」ランキングTOP10! 1位は「白ひげ食堂」【2022年8月版】(…
訪ねてみました:針江・霜降の水辺景観=滋賀県高島市 暮らしに溶け込む水文化 | 毎日新聞:…
Rainbow-colored tunnels with chijima and wind chimes at Hakodateyama in Takashima City, a famous rainbow spot|NHK Shiga news:. ...
Glamping and Cafe "MUKU" to Open in Shiga, Near Popular Metasequoia Trees - ...
Takashima, Shiga: A place where you can enjoy the beauty of fish and power spots. Located in the northwestern part of Shiga Prefecture...
It is a must for those who love soba noodles and the scenery. Kansai] 5 spots where you can enjoy soba (buckwheat) fields! Autumn is the best time to see soba...
[Ltd. renamed Kids World to Playzone! We are now called "Playzone...
Hakodateyama Hakodateyama Zipline, Inc. pre-opening on August 15, 2022 at 1pm! Hakodateyama S...
We asked around in the Harie district of Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, where there is an abundance of spring water... and found a mysterious soul food called "tonchan"...
Next, we arrive at Shirahige Shrine, the oldest large shrine in Omi, with its mysterious and beautiful torii gate standing in the lake. Waves...
A car sharing business has started in front of JR Omi Takashima Station (Katsuno, Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture). Takashima City has established Shiga Daih...
Cars of tourists drive alongside a row of metasequoia trees in Makino Town, Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, to see them decorated with snow....
A row of metasequoia trees in Makino Town, Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, turned yellow and reddish brown, and tourists enjoyed strolling and photographing them....
Seisaku Nakamura, 36, a fisherman belonging to the Kaizu Fishing Cooperative in Makino Town, Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, has been working to bring food and...
JR Station Rent-a-Car's Makino office opened at JR Makino Station in Nishihama, Makino Town, Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture. Train...